McOwlTech Services LLC Service Menu

  • Serving Mora and San Miguel Counties New Mexico. Service outside these counties will add a $75 travel fee within 200 miles of these counties. 20+ years of IT experience. A+ Hardware Certified.
  • On Site Computer Troubleshooting Session. (Home)
    • I will come to your home to troubleshoot computer issues
    • Price is $120 for first hour and $75 for each additional hour. Min is 1 hour
  • On Site Computer Troubleshooting Session. (Business)
    • I will come to your business to troubleshoot computer issues.
    • Price is $140 for the first hour and $75 for each additional hour. Min is 1 hour
  • Computer Training Session (Home or Business)
    • I will come to your home or business to provide training on how to accomplish a task using technology
    • Price is $100 per hour. Min is 1 hour
  • Computer Consulting (Home or Business)
    • Tell me what you are trying to accomplish and we can line out potential ways to accomplish that task.
    • Price is $100 per hour. Min is 1 hour
  • Presentation Creation $75
  • Computer Generated Physical Wall Art $5 (unmounted poster on cardstock)
    • Mountains
    • Cats

Contact Info:

Phone: 1-(505)-652-7759
